Microsoft Office vs. LibreOffice

July 15, 2021

Microsoft Office vs. LibreOffice

Microsoft Office and LibreOffice are both popular suite of productivity tools. Microsoft Office is a proprietary product while LibreOffice is open source. Both provide various tools such as word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and database management. In this post, we will compare the user interface (UI) of these two platforms.

User Interface (UI)

UI is an important part of any software application. A good user interface allows users to navigate and use the features of the software with ease. In this section, we will look at the UI of Microsoft Office and LibreOffice.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office has a modern and polished user interface. The ribbon toolbar provides easy access to the most commonly used features. Users can also customize the ribbon and add or remove tools as needed. Microsoft Office uses a consistent UI across its applications, so users can easily move between applications.


LibreOffice’s user interface is similar to that of Microsoft Office. It has a traditional menu toolbar and provides easy access to various features. Users can also customize the toolbar according to their preferences. LibreOffice also supports extensions which can be used to add additional features.


Both Microsoft Office and LibreOffice provide a similar UI experience. Microsoft Office’s ribbon toolbar may be more intuitive to new users, while LibreOffice’s traditional menu bar would be more familiar to experienced users. LibreOffice’s ability to support extensions gives it a slight edge over Microsoft Office.


Both Microsoft Office and LibreOffice provide a similar user interface experience. The choice between the two would depend on other factors such as price, features, and operating system support. It’s worth noting that LibreOffice is free and open source, whereas Microsoft Office requires a subscription.


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